Project updates

Things have been a little quiet as of late due to me being busy.

The various projects have been progressing nicely in the background and I’ll be getting their progress written up into blog posts as soon as time permits.

In the interim here is a quick update on where things are at:

Wireless thermostat

My Arduino YUN has arrived. This is going to be the perfect piece of equipment for completing my WiFi thermostat project. It takes away the need to worry about hooking up a separate wireless shield. I’ll just need to attach one of my touch screen shields to it and hook up a relay and thermistor and it will be ready to go.

My next wireless thermostat post will go into more detail on this.

Ethernet Thermostat

The Ethernet thermostat is almost complete. The next post on this will detail each component I used, how to set it up and will also discuss connecting it to baseboard heaters and the types of relay needed.

Thermostat controller

The Java based thermostat controller running on the Pi is coming along nicely. The next posts on this will tie in with my earlier post on parallel computing.

The controller is going to leverage Hadoop which is running on other devices in my home to process temperature data. Expect a guide to setting up Hadoop on the Raspberry Pi and also a further look at MPI for C based applications that can also leverage spare processing capacity.

There will also be code uploaded to BitBucket which you can download and use as a base for your projects.


Upcoming reviews

I have some upcoming reviews on the Arduino YUN, the Pebble smart watch and Mint floor sweeper.