Installing HTSQL on RPI


As I have mentioned in earlier posts I am planning on using HTSQL as part of my heating system. It will primarily provide me with a way to query data stored from the controller and thermostats over HTTP.

Eventually it will be pointing to a PostgreSQL DB which will act as my area for data storage.

Below are instructions on how to install HTSQL on your Raspberry PI.

Installation instructions

Note: The instructions presented are for installing HTSQL on a RPI running Debian squeeze. If you are looking for the Mac instructions they are located here. For other flavours of Linux available on the RPI the instructions should work, I make no promises though!

As always, you can check for up-to-date information on operating systems supported and instructions.

Anyway on with the installation process:

The Raspberry PI runs on an ARM based architecture. On last checking the htsql website, there is no support for this via apt-get.

You can check the architecture of your chipset (which of course will be ARM if you are following the steps for your RPI) as follows:

apt-config dump

You will see in the returned information:

APT::Architecture "armel"

If you attempt to follow the standard apt-get procedure as presented on the htsql website for Debian, you will run into the following error message:

E: Unable to locate package htsql

This is because there is currently no armel distro.

So in order to install HTSQL, you will need to install via source.

Install pip

In order to run pip (a python package installer) you will need to add it to your RPI.

Run the following command :

sudo apt-get install python-pip

Once this is complete you can then run:

pip install HTSQL

Once this is complete you can now type:

htsql-ctl version

You should now see:

HTSQL 2.3.1 (or whatever the latest version is you downloaded).

HTSQL is now ready to go!


Out of the box HTSQL works with sqlite, if you want to run it against other databases you can follow the instructions here.

Follow up posts to this will detail setting up a PostgreSQL DB server and then connecting to it via HTSQL.

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